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Concert in Astana Opera Theater will be dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Sydyk Mukhamedjanov
On the stage of the Chamber Hall named after K. Baiseitova theater "Astana Opera" February 15 will be held a concert "Әнмен өrilgen ғasyr", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the outstanding composer, People's Artist of the USSR, winner of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR Sydyk Mukhamedzhanov.

The author of the idea of the musical evening - Honored Artist of Kazakhstan soprano Galiya Baigazinova, who together with her colleagues - soloists of the theater "Astana Opera" and guest artists - will perform both popular and rarely heard works of the composer.


The work of Sydyk Mukhamedjanov occupies a special place in the repertoire of "Astana Opera" theater. In November last year in honor of the 100th anniversary of the famous composer the premiere of his comic opera "Aisulu" on the stage of the Great Hall of the theater was held with great success, which was highly appreciated by critics and spectators. Events timed to the anniversary date continue in the capital's theater this year.


"The works of Sydyk Mukhamedjanov, who left an indelible trace in the history of Kazakh culture, never lose their demand and relevance, because his music intertwines traditions, instructions, education. His songs conquer with deep lyricism and melody. I first got acquainted with the music of this talented composer when I studied at the conservatory. Since then, his songs and romances have not left my repertoire - I continue to perform them at recitals and always try to present the public with new works that I have not yet performed. I can safely say that the creativity of Sydyk Mukhamedjanov has a special place in my heart." - Honored Artist of Kazakhstan Galiya Baigazinova shared her thoughts.


The author of the idea Galiya Baigazinova said that she had been preparing for the concert for a long time, searching for little-known and unpublished works of the composer.


"The idea to dedicate the evening to the 100th anniversary of Sydyk Mukhamedjanov and thus pay tribute to his memory lived in my soul for a long time. The name of the concert "Әнмен өрілген ғасыр" has a deep symbolic meaning, because his music sounds for many decades. At this anniversary concert I wanted to present songs that have never been performed before. I plan to acquaint the listeners who are not yet familiar with his creativity, with his wonderful works, including the concerto for kobyz"," the singer added.


With Galiya Baigazinova her colleagues - soloists of the opera company, laureates of international competitions Dinmukhamed Koshkinbayev and Talgat Allabirinov, as well as the chorus of the theater under the direction of Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Dautov will appear on the stage of the Chamber Hall. In addition, within the framework of the evening the laureate of international competitions soprano Zhuldyz Naken will perform. The piano part will be performed by the concertmasters of the theater Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Raushan Beskembirova and Aishabibi Askarova.


The rich program of the concert included works by Sydyk Mukhamedjanov on Abai Kunanbaev's poems: "Kulaktan kirip boydy alar", "Zhark ketpes kara kөіlіm ne kylsa da", "Өzgegege, kөңңіlіm, toyarsyң", as well as romances and songs on the words of Saken Seyfullin - "Boztorgay", "Zhazgy tаnanan beri", "Karkaraly". The decoration of the evening will be arrangements of Segiz Seri's song "Әйкен-ay" and George Byron's composition "Oh, how you sing, my dear, you".


In addition, will sound rarely performed works such as "Sagyndym-au", "Zhazgy dala", "Kyzgaldak", "Almaty Waltz", "Koktem Waltz". Aisulu's aria from the opera "Aisulu" and Aktokty's aria from the opera "Akan Seri - Aktokty" will also delight the audience.


In the framework of the concert for the first time on the stage of the Chamber Hall named after K. Baiseitova will be presented the Concerto. Baiseitova will be presented the Concerto for kobyz Sydyk Mukhamedjanov performed by the holder of the badge Madeniyet salasyң үzdіgі (Excellent Cultural Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan) kobyzist Kenzhegul Musaeva. The piano part will be performed by the laureate of international competitions Shakhizada Kulseitova.


20 January, 2025
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